- AFL-CIO: Through the UAW, the NWU is a member of the AFL-CIO.
- UAW: The NWU is Local 1981 of the United Automobile Workers.
- AFL-CIO Union Plus Program: Benefits available to NWU members.
- LaborNet: Democratic communication network for the labor movement.
- Library of Congress: The Library of Congress home page.
- Online Media Legal Network: Pro bono legal referral service for qualifying online journalists.
- Citizen Media Law Project: Information on legal issues confronted by online writers.
- Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press: Pro bono legal referrals and FOIA resources.
- Powells Online Bookstore: A unionized online bookstore.
- New York's Strand Bookstore: For individual books or by the foot, another unionized bookstory, this one UAW Local 2179.
- U.S. Copyright Office: Information and forms for registering your copyrights.
Disclaimer: Links listed here are provided on an "as-is" and "information-only" basis. Presence of a link does not in any way imply NWU endorsement or approval.