
Vocational Rehabilitation Monetary Assistance

March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III




4.01 Range of Services 4-1

4.02 Subsistence Allowance 4-1

a. Control of Subsistence Allowance Payments

b. Assignment to Case Status Allowing Payment

of Subsistence Allowance 4-1
c. Establishing a Control for Entrance or

Reentrance 4-1
d. Maintaining Contact Prior to Entrance or

Reentrance 4-1
e. Maturation of the Control 4-1
f. Entrance or Reentrance Verified 4-2
g. Entrance or Reentrance Not Verified 4-2
h. Changes Following Entrance or Reentrance

Into a Rehabilitation Program 4-2
i. Interruption, Discontinuance, and Employment

Adjustment Allowance 4-2
j. Types of Subsistence Allowance

Changes/Actions 4-3
k. Action Required When Change in Training

Hours Does Not Change Rate of Pursuit 4-3
l. Source Documentation for a Subsistence

Allowance 4-3
m. Proof of Dependency 4-3

4.03 Coordination with VSD (Veterans Services Division)

in Responding to VAIS (Veterans
Assistance Inquiries 4-4

a. Types of VAI’s 4-4
b. When VSD Takes a VAI 4-4
c. When VR&C Takes a VAI Which Requires Action

by Another Division 4-4

4.04 Reimbursement of Costs for Training and

Rehabilitation Services, Supplies and Facilities 4-4

4.05 Election of Payment of an Allowance at the Rate Paid

Under Chapter 30 or 34 (38 CFR 21.264
and 21.334) 4-4

a. Veterans Will Be Informed of Rights and

Obligations 4-4
b. Veteran Elects Payment of Allowance at the

Rate Paid Under Chapter 30 or 34 4-5
c. Chapter 30 or 34 Program Requirements Must

Be Met 4-5
d. Chapter 31 Financial Assistance Forfeited

While the Chapter 30 or 34 Rate Is Being Paid 4-6
e. Chapter 31 Services Available to a Veteran

Who Elects Payment at the Chapter 30 or 34 Rate 4-6
f. Chapter 31 Services Available Upon

Completion of Training 4-6
g. Election Effective Dates 4-6
h. Voucher Payments of Tuition and Fees

Restrict Elections 4-7
i. Reelection of Subsistence Allowance 4-7
j. VR&C Procedures to Process Elections 4-8
k Reelection or Discontinuance Notification


4.06 Employment Adjustment Allowance 4-10

4.07 Veteran-Student Services (Work-study Program) (38

CFR 21.272) 4-10

M28 1, Part III March 2, 1988




4.08 Advances from the Revolving Fund 4-10

a. Criteria for an Advance 4-10
b. Financial Management 4-10
c. Veteran’s Application 4-10
d. Documentation and Record Review 4-10
e. Processing the Advance 4-11
f. Future Considerations 4-11
g. Appellate Procedures 4-11

4.09 Special Transportation Assistance 4-11

a. Institution Provides Transportation 4-11
b. Contract Agency Provides Transportation 4-11
c. Veteran Secures Transportation 4-11


4.01 Subsistence Allowance Actions and 38 CFR References


March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III



Monetary assistance under chapter 31 is provided to

help the veteran pursue his or her rehabilitation program.

While the range of monetary assistance may not be sufficient

in certain cases to cover all of a veteran’s expenses, these

monetary services do provide a financial base, freeing him

or her from having to commit large amounts of time to earn

money for living expenses while in a rehabilitation program.

The case manager must be aware of each veteran’s financial

situation and must be able to utilize appropriate VA and

non-VA financial resources to aid veterans who need

additional assistance. VA monetary assistance services


a. Subsistence allowance payments to the


b Reimbursement to service providers for costs

of training and rehabilitation services;

c. Payment for books, supplies and other

training equipment;

d. Election of payments at the rate payable

under chapter 30 or 34 in lieu of both subsistence allowance

and reimbursement of the costs of training and

rehabilitation services;

e. Employment adjustment allowance;

f. Veteran-student services (Work-Study


g. Advances from the Revolving Loan Fund; and

h. Special transportation allowances.


a. Control of Subsistence Allowance Payments.

The case manager must assure that subsistence allowance

payments are made on a timely basis, that the veteran is

eligible for payment during the period certified, and that

the veteran receives the rate to which he or she is entitled

based upon rate of pursuit.

b. Assignment to Case Status Allowing Payment

of Subsistence Allowance. Following completion of the

rehabilitation plan, the veteran’s case may be assigned to

one of the case statuses under which payment of subsistence

allowance may be authorized. These case statuses are

Rehabilitation to the Point of Employability, Extended

Evaluation, and Independent Living.

c. Establishing a Control for Entrance or

Reentrance. The case manager will establish a future date

control for all entrances or reentrances. The control will

be scheduled to mature on the expected date of entrance or


d. Maintaining Contact Prior to Entrance or

Reentrance. The case manager will maintain contact with the

veteran during the period the control is in effect. During

this period, the case manager will provide any assistance

necessary for the veteran to begin or reenter his or her

rehabilitation program. Upon maturation of the control, the

case manager will act to prevent erroneous payment if the

veteran fails to enter or withdraws from participation in

the rehabilitation program which has been developed.

e. Maturation of the Control. VA Form 28 1905,

Authorization and Certification of Entrance or Reentrance

into Rehabilitation and Certification of Status, should be

signed and returned by the training or rehabilitation

facility within 5 days of maturation of the control. If

this form is not received by this deadline, the case manager

will contact the facility by telephone to verify that the

veteran has begun to receive training or other

rehabilitation services.

M28 1, Part III March 2, 1988

f. Entrance or Reentrance Verified. When

entrance or reentrance is verified on VA Form 28 1905 and

the rate of pursuit is established, the case manager will

complete the reverse of the VA Form 28 1905. Payment will

begin the month following entrance or reentrance. Since

this payment reflects the first month’s training, most

veterans will receive less than a full month’s subsistence

allowance. If entrance or reentrance is verified, but the

VA Form 28 1905 will not be received from the facility in

time to process for payment by the beginning of the month

following entrance or reentrance, the VRS will prepare

another VA Form 28 1905 for the Adjudication Division to

assure that the veteran will receive his or her subsistence

allowance in as timely a manner as possible. The case

manager will notify the veteran whenever payment may be

delayed beyond the beginning of the month following entrance

or reentrance.

g. Entrance or Reentrance Not Verified. If the

veteran has not entered the rehabilitation program,

processing of the VA Form 28 1905 will cease. If necessary,

the case manager will initiate action to suspend payment of

subsistence allowance to prevent overpayment. Check

intercept procedures will be implemented if necessary. Then

the case manager will create an employee future control on

the 320 screen for 45 days. During this interval, the case

manager will determine if the veteran will pursue the

established program. When this information is known, but no

later than the maturation of the diary, the case manager

will take the following actions:

(1) If failure to begin timely was due to a

temporary delay which should not hinder the veteran’s

pursuit of the program of training or other rehabilitation

services, the case manager will prepare copies 1 and 2 of VA

Form 28 1905 to record the change in the veteran’s beginning

date (see subpar. h(l) below for instructions on preparing

VA Form 28 1905).

(2) If there appears to be a significant problem

which will prevent the veteran from beginning the

rehabilitation program or which will adversely affect the

veteran’s program pursuit, assign the veteran’s case to

Interrupted status to allow further time for resolution of

the problems preventing entrance or reentrance. In these

cases, the case manager will obtain the R&E folder to assure

that the suspension of subsistence allowance and the

reassignment of the case to Interrupted status are properly

completed and noted in the CER folder and in the Target


h. Changes Following Entrance or Reentrance

into a Rehabilitation Program

(1) Preparation of VA Form 28 1905. The case

manager will prepare copies 1 and 2 of VA Form 28 1905 to

record changes in the veteran’s program which affect the

subsistence allowance award or which are required for record

purposes. Copies 3 and 4 are not needed and will be

destroyed in accordance with RCS VB-1, part I, item No.

13-052.100. Examples of these adjustments are reassignment

to another status and changes in rate of pursuit or course

duration. Part I11, chapter 2, paragraph 2.03c describes

the steps to complete the VA Form 28 1905 for entrances. To

authorize a change following initial entrance, the same

instructions generally apply. The basis for each

determination will be set forth on VA Form 28 1905 in item

24, Reason and Authority for Action. The effective dates of

changes are generally determined under the provisions of 38

CFR 21.322 and 21.324. See subparagraph j below for a list

of other regulations which govern effective dates.

(2) Award Verification. Following completion of

VA Form 28 1905 authorizing a subsistence award or a change

in an award, the case manager will review the award action

taken on the VA Form 22 1907a, Authorization of Subsistence

Allowance. If the award has not been properly completed,

the case manager will contact the responsible adjudicator

and request immediate correction of the award action.

i. Interruption, Discontinuance, and Employment

Adjustment Allowance. The same general procedures described

for entrances, and reentrances, and changes will be followed

for interruptions or discontinuances of a rehabilitation

program for which a subsistence allowance is being paid or

for payment of an employment adjustment allowance. This

procedure includes

(1) Assuring that appropriate award action has

been completed on the VA Form 22 1907a;

(2) If there is an error or delay in processing

the award, bringing the matter to the attention of the

responsible adjudicator to assure that necessary action is

taken to complete the change.
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j. Types of Subsistence Allowance

Changes/Actions. Table 4.01 indicates potential subsistence

allowance actions which may be authorized by the case

manager during a veteran’s rehabilitation program. The

table cites 38 CFR references which provide guidance

concerning reasons and effective dates for actions. For

example, if an award for subsistence has been processed at

the full-time rate and the veteran subsequently reduces to

the half-time rate, the case manager will use the VA Form 28

1905 to authorize and request from the Authorization

activity a reduction in rate of subsistence allowance. In

38 CFR 21.324i (see table 4.01), it indicates that the

effective date is found to be the last date of the month in

which the reduction occurred (assuming mitigating

circumstances exist). This date would be entered in item

23B, line 1. The entry in item 23C, line I would be “2” to

indicate the new half-time rate of pursuit. Item 23D, line

3, would show the ending date of the award. This procedure

will be used to reflect any changes in rate or effective

dates of active subsistence allowance awards.

k. Action Required When Change in Training

Hours Does Not Change Rate of Pursuit. Case managers do not

need to prepare a subsistence allowance award for a change

in training hours which does not cause a change in rate of

pursuit. For example, a veteran reduces training from 18 to

15 semester hours. Both 18 and 15 semester hours are full

time training. The case manager’s approval of the original

voucher for payment of tuition, fees, books, and supplies

should continue to be valid for the Finance activity unless

one of the following occurs:

(1) The case manager requests that the Finance

activity collect from the veteran previous payments or

portions of payments. Stations may locally standardize this

notification, using office automation equipment or

overprinted memoranda. In completing the standardized

document, the case manager would only need to enter the

veteran’s name and claim number and an itemization of the

funds to be collected.

(2) The case manager forwards a new voucher for

additional payments based on the change in course load.

l. Source Documentation for a Subsistence

Allowance Award. A case manager may prepare a subsistence

allowance award as soon as the training facility provides

the VR&C Division with documentation that meets the basic

criteria to support an award. If the award results in

reduction in rate of pursuit, however, the case manager must

also follow the due process procedures in part II, chapter

10. Although facilities should certify program

participation on VA Form 28-1905, Authorization and

Certification of Entrance or Reentrance Into Rehabilitation

and Certification of Status, or another VA-approved form,

facilities may report this information using their own

formats. Use of VA-designed forms helps to prevent

insufficient reporting, however, which could result in

delays paying benefits to veterans or in incorrect payments.

Therefore, VR&C Divisions should not encourage the regular

submission of non-VA documentation to justify payments or

adjustments of subsistence allowance.

m. Proof of Dependency. Veterans claiming

additional subsistence allowance for dependents must submit

sufficient evidence to meet the standards in M21-1, part IV,

chapters 12 through 14.

(1) Veteran Has Not Previously Proved

Dependents’ Status. The veteran must identify each claimed

dependent by full name, date of a child’s birth or the

marriage to the current spouse, and Social Security Number,

usually on VA Form 21-686c, Declaration of Status of

Dependents. Certified copies of public records proving the

dependency must accompany this statement. VA cannot pay

additional benefits for a dependent until VA receives this


(2) Servicemember With Dependents Enters a

Chapter 31 Program. If a servicemember enters a chapter 31

program, the case manager should assist the servicemember to

complete the VA Form 21-686c and to obtain and submit the

certified proofs of dependency. The VR&C Division will file

down the documentation in the claims folder until the

regional office receives the veteran’s DD214. Once the

regional office receives the DD214, the case manager will

obtain from the Adjudication activity a completed VA Form

28-0505, Claims Folder Search and Dependency Verification,

and will add the authorized dependents shown on the VA Form


M28 1, Part III March 2, 1988

(3) Veteran Claims Dependents Already

Established in Compensation Award. If the veteran is

claiming the same dependents that the current compensation

award shows, the veteran may confirm this dependency by

declaring the dependents by name, dates of birth or

marriage, and Social Security Number. If the case manager

is aware of the need for this statement when the veteran is

in the case manager’s office, the case manager should ask

the veteran to make this statement on VA Form 21-4138,

Statement in Support of Claim. The veteran may also mail

this declaration to the VR&C Division or make an oral

statement. The case manager will document oral statements

on VA Form 119, Report of Contact. In the oral statement,

the veteran must be able to provide and the case manager

must detail on the VA Form 119 the same information about

each claimed dependent as the written statement requires.”



a. Types of VAI’S. The VR&C Division will

cooperate fully with VSD in the resolution of VAI’s taken in

the telephone or personal interview units.

b. When VSD Takes a VAI. If VSD takes the

inquiry directly from the veteran and further action is

required by another division, VSD will:

(1) Complete items I through 18 on VA Form

27-8386, Veterans Assistance Inquiry;

(2) Establish controls;

(3) Conduct research and development;

(4) Forward the inquiry to other operating

elements for assistance; and

(5) Provide prompt, complete, and courteous

responses to VAI’S.

c. When VR&C Takes a VAI Which Requires Action

by Another Division. If the VR&C Division takes the inquiry

directly from the veteran and further action is required by

another division, the VR&C Division will:

(1) Complete items I through 18 on VA Form


(2) Annotate the form in item 13 with as much

information as is available in the VR&C activity to assist

in the resolution of the inquiry; and

(3) Forward the inquiry to VSD for control,

resolution, and response to the veteran.



Costs of services provided veterans through a

rehabilitation program will be paid by the VA under 38 CFR

21.262(b) and the provisions of applicable VA Acquisition

Regulations referred to in that paragraph. Specific

procedures for reimbursement of costs are discussed later in

this part in chapters 6 (supplies), 7 (review of vouchers)

and 8 (contracts).


(38 CFR 21.264 AND 21.334)

a. Veteran Will Be Informed of Rights and

Obligations. Each veteran entering a program of

rehabilitation who is eligible for chapter 30 or 34 benefits

will be advised by the case manager of the right to elect

payment at the rates payable for these benefits if the

veteran meets the conditions described in 38 CFR 21.264. The

case manager will assist the veteran in
March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III


Advance Payments 21.332c
Chapter 30 or 34 Election/Reelection 21.334
Death of Dependent 21.324c
Death of Veteran 21.324b
Dependency Increase 21.322c
Discontinuance 21.324g
Divorce 21.324d
Entrance into a Program 21.322b
Error 21.3241
Fraud 21.324k
Hospitalization of Veterans at VA Expense 21.324p
IILP, IEEP Completed 21.324f
Incarceration 21.324n
Interruption of Program 21.324f
Leave Payments 21.270a
Payments for Weekends, Holidays, Other Periods 21.270c
Payment Between Periods of Instructions 21.270b
Reduced Work Tolerance 21.312d
Reduction in Rate of Pursuit 21.324i
Reentrance Into a Program 21.322b
Rehabilitation to Point of Employability Completed

Retroactive Inductions 21.282c
Severance of Service-connected Disability 21.324j
Special Rehabilitation Facility (Room and board paid)

Treasonable/Subversive Acts Convictions 21.324m
Unauthorized, Unexcused Absences 21.350b
Wage Rate Increases for OJT 21.324h

Table 4.01 Subsistence Allowance Actions and 38 CFR

March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III

determining eligibility for payment at the chapter 30 or 34

rate. If eligible, the veteran will be informed of the

ramifications of election and of his or her right to reelect

subsistence allowance at any time during the program.

b. Veteran Elects Payment of Allowance at the

Rate Paid Under Chapter 30 or 34. A veteran electing

payment under chapter 30 or 34 will receive an educational

assistance allowance for this training as if the training

were pursued under chapter 30 or 34. The veteran will also

receive other benefits and services provided under chapter

30 or 34, For example, if tutoring is required, the veteran

may receive this assistance under the provisions of 38 CFR

21.4236 in the same manner and up to the normal dollar

limitations as eligible chapter 34 veterans.

c. Chapter 30 or 34 Program Requirements Must

Be Met. For a veteran to elect or continue to receive

payment of an allowance and other benefits while in a

rehabilitation program, all the program requirements for a

regular chapter 30 or 34 course of training must be met:

(1) The program and courses the veteran is

pursuing must meet all VA and SAA approval criteria for

training under chapter 30 or 34;

(2) The veteran must be within the period of

chapter 30 or 34 eligibility and have remaining chapter 30

or 34 entitlement; and

(3) While training, the veteran must meet all

standards of progress and conduct which are imposed upon

chapter 30 or 34 participants.

NOTE: The requirement that a program must meet chapter 30

or 34 criteria for approval of a program of education

thereby excludes an election for any period of extended

evaluation, evaluation and improvement of rehabilitation

potential, independent living, individual programs for the

homebound, or individual instructor training. While the

veteran is involved in such activities, he or she will be

entitled to chapter 31 subsistence allowance to the extent

he or she is otherwise eligible.

d. Chapter 31 Financial Assistance Forfeited

While the Chapter 30 or 34 Rate Is Being Paid. Certain

benefits normally available to chapter 31 participants are

expressly prohibited to trainees while receiving paying at

the chapter 30 or 34 rate:

(1) Subsistence allowance;

(2) Revolving fund advances;

(3) VA payment of direct education expenses,

which include tuition, fees, books, supplies, licensing

fees, equipment
and other training materials;

(4) Individualized tutorial assistance under

chapter 31; and

(5) Employment adjustment allowance at chapter

34 rates. This benefit may be paid at subsistence allowance

rates, however, as provided in subparagraph f(2) below.

e. Chapter 31 Services Available to a Veteran

Who Elects Payment at the Chapter 30 or 34 Rate. A veteran

electing payment at the chapter 30 or 34 rate may receive

any service available to vocational rehabilitation program

participants except for the financial assistance benefits

barred in subparagraph d above. These veterans are chapter

31 participants except for method of payment of subsistence

and the costs of training. Services are as essential to the

accomplishment of the vocational rehabilitation goals of

these trainees just as they are for participants receiving

regular chapter 31 award benefits. Among these services,

several warrant emphasis:

(1) An IWRP (Individualized Written

Rehabilitation Plan) will be created for each participant

electing to receive payment at the chapter 30 or 34 benefit

rate as part of a vocational rehabilitation program;

(2) A case manager will work closely with the

veteran to develop and carry through with the rehabilitation

program; and 4-5
March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III

(3) Services not specifically excluded in

subparagraph d above may be paid by voucher.

f. Chapter 31 Services Available Upon

Completion of Training

(1) Trainees who complete their vocational

rehabilitation programs while receiving payment at the

chapter 30 or 34 rate will receive the same employment

assistance provided other chapter 31 participants.

(2) An employment adjustment allowance will be

paid at the full-time subsistence allowance rate appropriate

to the type of training, but only if the veteran reelected

chapter 31 payment of subsistence allowance prior to

completing the period of rehabilitation to the point of

employability (38 CFR 21.268).

g. Election Effective Dates

(1) When the veteran elects payment of an

allowance at the chapter 34 rate, the effective dates for

commencement, reduction and termination are specified in 38

CFR 21.4130 through 21.4135. When a veteran elects payment

of an allowance at the chapter 30 rate, applicable

instructions will be used.

(2) The effective date of each election made

prior to receipt by the veteran of a subsistence allowance

will be the beginning date of the period of training for

which a subsistence allowance would normally otherwise have

been authorized. If a veteran in receipt of a subsistence

allowance elects payment at the chapter 30 or 34 rate during

an interval between training sessions, however, see

subparagraph i(1) below.

(3) An election made during a period of training

for which a veteran has already begun to receive a

subsistence allowance will be effective DLP (date of last

pay) for the subsistence award or the date of the election,

whichever is to the veteran’s financial advantage. See

subparagraph h below for restrictions on this election


h. Voucher Payments of Tuition and Fees

Restrict Elections. A veteran may not elect payment at the

chapter 30 or 34 rate for any period for which the VA has

already paid the veteran’s tuition and fees.

(1) Tuition and Fees on a Term Basis. For a

facility organized on a term, quarter or semester basis,

this will preclude elections during any term, quarter or

semester for which the VA has already paid the tuition and


(2) Tuition and Fees Paid on a Prorata Basis.

For other institutions whose tuition and fees are paid on a

recurring prorata basis*e.g., monthly*elections may be made

effective the first day of any month for which the VA has

not already paid the tuition and fees.

i. Reelection of Subsistence Allowance

(1) Voluntary Reelections. In general, a

veteran receiving payment at the chapter 30 or 34 rate may

reelect to receive a subsistence allowance at any time

during the program. For training in a school organized on

the basis of regular terms such as semesters, however,

veterans should receive educational assistance for at least

one term before reelection. The effective dates of election

or reelection are contained in 38 CFR 21.334. If a training

facility does not structure its training around regular

terms, the veteran may make the reelection any time, but he

or she should have received payment at the chapter 34 rate

for 6 months by the time of the reelection. The case

manager may waive these training duration guidelines. The

close contact the case manager maintains with trainees

should minimize arbitrary reelections. On the other hand, a

case manager must approve a reelection of subsistence

allowance whenever he or she finds that failure to approve a

reelection of subsistence allowance would work to the

veteran’s financial detriment. When the veteran reelects

subsistence allowance during an interval between periods of

instruction, interval payment will be made at whichever rate

affords the veteran the greater advantage unless the veteran

declines in writing the higher rate of payment.

Documentation of the veteran’s refusal of the higher rate

will be filed on the left flap of the CER folder.

(2) Automatic Discontinuance of Chapter 34

Election. The election of chapter 30 or 34 training will

automatically be terminated the day following the last day

of approved training in one of six instances:

(a) The veteran makes an unauthorized reduction

in training time without VRS approval;
March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III

(b) The veteran ceases his or her chapter 30 or

34 training without VRS approval;

(c) The veteran changes his or her program

objective on the IWRP without VA approval;

(d) The veteran exhausts entitlement to chapter

30 or 34 allowance payments;

(e) The veteran reaches his or her chapter 30 or

34 delimiting date; or

(f) The veteran completes his or her training

program while receiving an allowance at the chapter 30 or 34

rate and is declared rehabilitated to the point of


j. VR&C Division Procedures to Process


(1) Election Rights Presented to Veterans. VR&C

staff members should inform eligible applicants of their

election rights and the benefit tradeoffs available before

the veterans begin training in a vocational rehabilitation


(2) Review of Requirements for Receipt of

Payment at the Chapter 30 or 34 Rate. The VRS will insure

that the program for which payment at the chapter 30 or 34

rate is requested meets all chapter 30 or 34 requirements.

If a program does not meet these requirements, a veteran may

not receive payment at the chapter 30 or 34 rate for that


(3) Entitlement Usage Requirements. The VRS

will not extend a program beyond 48 months of combined

entitlement used if the veteran has trained under more than

one program subject to the restrictions of 38 CFR 21.4020.

A veteran will be charged chapter 31 entitlement for any

period during which he or she is in a rehabilitation

program, regardless of election of payment at the chapter 30

or 34 rate. If the veteran has received payment only at

chapter 30 or 34 rates, the veteran’s entitlement may not

exceed the 45-month limitation applicable to chapter 34

trainees or the 36-month limitation for chapter 30 trainees

unless he or she qualifies for an extension to complete a

training session. Beyond these limits, a vocational

rehabilitation participant may only receive subsistence

allowance and other standard chapter 31 financial

assistance, and then only if the additional benefits are

necessary to accomplish the rehabilitation goal.

(4) Payment Status Change Documentation and

Entitlement Calculations. For trainees electing payment at

the chapter 30 or 34 rate, the VRS will clearly designate on

VA Form 28 1905 the dates of changes in payment status. The

VRS and the Adjudication Division should cooperate in

entitlement calculations to insure no involuntary alteration

in status which operates to the veteran’s disadvantage

occurs as a result of entitlement usage. Several examples

of entitlement considerations will clarify the issues


(a) A veteran has used 45 months of chapter 34

entitlement or 36 months of chapter 30 entitlement before

induction into a chapter 31 program. Since only 45 months

of chapter 34 benefits or 36 months of chapter 30 benefits

plus an extension to finish a term already begun can be paid

when only chapter 30 or 34 benefits have been received, this

veteran may not elect payment of the chapter 30 or 34 rate.

(b) A veteran uses 24 months of chapter 34

entitlement, enters a vocational rehabilitation program, and

immediately elects payment of the chapter 34 rate. The

veteran continues to receive this payment for another 20 3/4

months, at which time the veteran would have used 44-3/4

months of chapter 34 entitlement. If the veteran then

begins a new semester, he or she can continue to receive the

chapter 34 rate until completion of the semester or for 12

weeks of training, whichever occurs first. Training time is

not an issue for this last available use of entitlement.

The same extension allowance to complete a term is available

to chapter 30 trainees except that this extension is granted

for a term during which the veteran exceeds 36 months of

entitlement used. At that point the election is

discontinued automatically and the veteran may receive only

subsistence allowance.

(c) The same veteran in subparagraph (b) above

uses exactly 45 months of entitlement at the end of a

semester. He or she may only receive subsistence allowance

for further training. This includes the following interval

between terms.

(d) A veteran receives 24 months of chapter 31

subsistence allowance and discontinues training under the

vocational rehabilitation program. If this veteran reenters

the chapter 31 program, he or she may immediately elect

payment at the chapter 30 or 34 rate up to a maximum of 24

months; that is, until 48 months of combined entitlement

have been used.

March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III

(e) A veteran receives a subsistence allowance

for 48 months. He or she may not elect payment at the

chapter 30 or 34 rate.

(5) Preparation of Certification. The VRS will

use VA Form 28 1905 to certify awards for veterans electing

payment at the chapter 30 or 34 rate. The certification

will be prepared in the same manner as for a regular

subsistence allowance with four exceptions:

(a) No award authorization will extend beyond I


(b) Item 24 will be clearly annotated to show

that the award to be prepared will be at the chapter 30 or

34 rate;

(c) An Optional Form 41, Routing and Transmittal

Slip, will be annotated “Chapter 31/30 (or 34) payment

trainee” and backfiled on the right flap on the CER folder

so as to remain the uppermost document; and

(d) The veteran is within 3 months of completing

the training phase of his or her vocational rehabilitation

program employment assistance counseling has not been

previously initiated.

(6) VRS Progress Review. The VRS will review

continuation of payment at the chapter 30 or 34 rate as

necessary, but at least once yearly. This will be done in

the course of review of the veteran’s progress in achieving

the goals of the IWRP. As a result of this review, the VRS

will certify either another year at the chapter 30 or 34

rate or reelection of subsistence allowance depending on the

veteran’s desires. Moreover, the VRS will counsel the

veteran and take the appropriate action whenever any one of

several events occurs:

(a) The veteran requests consideration of

redevelopment of the IWRP;

(b) The veteran indicates a desire to reelect

subsistence allowance;

(c) The veteran makes an unauthorized change in

his or her training program, including changes in training

time, program objective or discontinuance of training.

NOTE: Any such change requires VRS preparation of a VA Form

28 1905 prior to Adjudication Division award adjustment; or

(d) The veteran is within 3 months of completing

the training phase of his or her vocational rehabilitation

program and employment assistance counseling has not been

previously initiated.

(7) VRS Action When Veteran Makes an

Unauthorized Training Program Change

(a) When the VRS is informed of an unauthorized

training program change, the VRS will interrupt the case and

contact the veteran to determine whether the veteran can be

continued in the program. The VRS will promptly notify the

Adjudication Division of the ultimate outcome of the review

so the award can be adjusted.

(b) If the veteran has dropped or added courses

which change pay status; but not the character of the

course, the VRS may retroactively approve the change if the

change can be approved under the provisions of 38 CFR 21.94

and reenter the veteran into the training program.

(c) If the change is to a different program or

radically alters the nature of the course, the VRS may

approve continuation and reenter the veteran into training

if the veteran subsequently agrees to return to the

previously established program and objective. If the

veteran does not agree to reenter the same program, the VRS

will arrange for complete reevaluation of the program by a

CP under 38 CFR 21.94.

(d) If the unauthorized change represents

continuation of a pattern indicating abuse of the program,

the VRS will take the same action as for other chapter 31

trainees under the procedures described in chapter 10, to

include discontinuing all chapter 31 benefits if

appropriate. The veteran may then reenter the chapter 31

program only if the reasons for discontinuance are removed

and the rehabilitation program which the veteran proposes to

pursue (whether the same or revised) is suitable to the

veteran’s abilities, aptitudes and interests (38 CFR

March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III

k. Reelection or Discontinuance Notification.

The VRS will notify the Adjudication Division of any

reelection of subsistence allowance or discontinuance in the

chapter 31 program altogether so that benefit payments can

be promptly adjusted. Item 24 of the VA Form 28 1905 will

be annotated to the effect: “Terminate award for payment of

allowance at the chapter 30 or 34 rate effective (date).” If

applicable, a regular subsistence allowance award may be

authorized on the same document. The effective and ending

dates of subsistence allowance payments will be clearly

identified in item 24. At this time, the Optional Form 41

folder flash will be destroyed in accordance with RCS VB-1,

part I, item No. 07-620.042.


An employment adjustment allowance, consisting of 2

months payment at the full-time rate of subsistence

allowance for the veteran’s type of training, will be paid

to each veteran who achieves the goals of his Individualized

Written Rehabilitation Plan. This award will include

payment for the veteran’s dependents in the same manner as

for a normal training period. If a legislative increase or

decrease in the rate payable occurs during the 2 months, it

will also be reflected in the employment adjustment award.

The VRS will use VA Form 28 1905 to authorize payment of the

employment adjustment allowance. The VRS will check

employment adjustment allowance in item 18 and block 7 in

item 22. Additionally, item 24 will state that payment of a

2-month employment adjustment allowance is authorized and

will cite 38 CFR 21.268.


CFR 21.272)

The Veteran-Student Services, or Work-Study, Program

offers part-time assistance to veterans pursuing a

rehabilitation program at the full-time rate. The Veterans

Service Division at the regional office normally administers

this program. Case managers should develop a close working

relationship with the Work-Study coordinator to facilitate

the processing of applications from veterans participating

in a rehabilitation program. Work-Study assignments will be

the preferred method for these veterans to earn additional



a. Criteria for an Advance. A noninterest

advance based on future subsistence allowance payments may

be made from the Revolving Fund as a part of available

services under the chapter 31 program. This advance is

available to a veteran for whom a rehabilitation plan has

been established but who is not financially able to begin or

continue a rehabilitation program without such assistance.

To receive an advance, the criteria below must be met:

(1) Establishment of Revolving Fund-38 CFR


(2) Eligibility-38 CFR 21.274c

(3) Advance conditions-38 CFR 21.274d

(4) Determination of the amount of the

advance-38 CFR 21.247e

(5) Repayment-38 CFR 21.274f

b. Financial Management. One of the areas that

may need to be explored early in the development of the

rehabilitation plan is money management and potential

resources of assistance for financial aid. The veteran’s

financial situation should first be ascertained during the

time the IWRP is being developed and again during the

induction orientation. There may be times, however, when an

advance is a logical resource, as the veteran would be

unable to begin or continue a rehabilitation program without

the advance from the Revolving Fund.

c. Veteran’s Application. The veteran applies

for an advance from the revolving fund loan by completing

the top portion of VA Form 28 1910, Application and Public

Voucher for Advancement From the Vocational Rehabilitation

Revolving Fund.

d. Documentation and Record Review. When it is

determined that the advance from the Revolving Fund is

appropriate, the case manager will document the reason for

the advance request. This documentation will be
March 2, 1988 M28 1, Part III

filed down on the left flap of the CER folder. The MINQ MOI

master record screen will be reviewed for possible current

outstanding advance, which would prohibit granting a new

advance. If the documentation and interaction with the

veteran provide a sound and reasonable basis for the

advance, the advance will be approved.

e. Processing the Advance. The approved

advance from the Revolving Fund will be processed as

expeditiously as possible including handcarrying if possible

to the Finance activity. It is essential that this service

be provided immediately as the critical nature of the need

has already been documented.

(1) Amount of Advance. The case manager may

approve up to $200 for the advance (in multiples of $ 1 0).

An advance in excess of $200 requires the concurrence of

the VR&C Officer. The VR&C Officer may approve up to twice

the amount of the subsistence allowance for a single veteran

at the institutional rate (see 38 CFR 21.260).

(2) Repayment Schedule. The monthly rate of

repayment may not be less than 10 percent of the amount

advanced unless the monthly benefit against which the

advance is offset is less than that amount. (38 CFR


f. Future Considerations. The VR&C Division

will maintain information on grants and other financial

assistance. The veteran may also be referred to financial

aid officers at the facility he attends to investigate

available grants and loans. The veteran will also be

informed about the Work-Study Program and other temporary

employment opportunities if appropriate. Furthermore, the

case manager will be aware of and explore with the veteran

the possible need for money management counseling.

g. Appellate Procedures. If the veteran is

denied an advance, he or she will be provided a written

reason for the denial and informed of his or her appeal

rights under 38 CFR 21.420 (see also pt. 1, ch. 10).


Special transportation assistance is a special

rehabilitation service provided seriously disabled veterans

who incur transportation costs resulting from their

disability which would not be incurred by those not so

disabled. The scope and the periods during which special

transportation assistance may be authorized are provided in

38 CFR 21.154. When it is established that these services

are needed by the veteran, they will be included under

Services Provided on the IWRP and may be authorized by one

of the following methods:

a. Institution Provides Transportation. When

these services are included in a statement of fees for an

institution or rehabilitation facility, they may be

authorized as vouchered services using a record purpose VA

Form 28 1905 separate from the one used to justify the award

of subsistence allowance. This VA Form 28 1905 will be

clearly annotated at the top “SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION

ASSISTANCE ONLY” and the original will be routed directly to

the Finance activity. Copy 2 will be filed on the left flap

of the CER folder. Copies 3 and 4 are not needed and will

be destroyed in accordance with RCS VB-1 part I item No.

13-052.100. Once the voucher payment has been made, the

Finance activity will send the VA Form 28 1905 to the files

activity with instructions to drop file the form in the R&E


b. Contract Agency Provides Transportation.

When these services are not available through an approved

facility or institution, they may be arranged for by

contract using VA Form 28 1903, Contract for Education and

Training, and authorized as in subparagraph a above.

c. Veteran Secures Transportation. When

methods in paragraph a or b are not possible, these services

may be secured by the veteran and may be reimbursed monthly

in arrears. In this case, the anticipated costs will be

established in advance and authorized as a voucher service

on VA Form 28 1905. For each month claimed, the veteran

will present a claim for this special transportation

allowance on Standard Form 1164, Claim for Reimbursement for

Expenditures on Official Business.


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